Thursday, October 2, 2008

W315 Web Based Writing Assignment: About me and about this blog...

About me...

I am a student at IUSB (Indiana University of South Bend). I am a senior and an Informatics major. I took this class (Web-based Writing) as one of my electives for my major. I will graduate in the Spring of 09' which I am very much looking forward to.

I work at Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill right now, well at least until I graduate from school. Hey its a job and it pays the bills right now. But working in the restaurant industry isn't so bad. My title is Service/Kitchen Professional, which basically is a stripped down version of a manager. I work full time, so it's kind of a juggling act between school and work. I am sure many of you understand that.

I enjoy art, whether it is a Picasso or a Garfunkal. I really enjoy music; all genres except for country. I still cant seem to wrap my brain around that style of music. You name the band and I have most likely seen them live. I'm not in a band or know how to play an instrument but I wish I did. If I could I would like to play the drums or the classic piano. I know they are two totally different worlds but...if I knew how to play both, I suppose my mental state or attitude would depict which one I would play. I also enjoy sports of all kinds, but I would have to agree that some of them are much more fun watching live instead of on TV. Lastly, I would have to say that my favorite thing to do is gaming. I love to play video games, as most nerdy guys do. Doesn't really matter what game or what platform (PS, PS2, x-box 360, PC, or even older gen systems), I just want to play it.

...this post is a basic overview of my personal reasons of why I chose the topic/s of my first blog. The title of that blog is W315 Web-Based Writing Assignment. Again as I stated in that blog, that post was an assignment given to me from my instructor as this post is. In that post we students were to write about 3 of our favorite blogs from a list of the top fifty. Normally I would probably never blog about the my personal top 3 blogging sites and in turn write about why I liked them in my own blog. I understand that it is always a good idea to 'kick props', as the urban folk would say, to other bloggers but it just isn't something that I would normally bring up in casual conversation, so why blog about it? Because I had to, that's right, as far as blogging is concerned, I sold out...because I want to get an 'A' in this class. Or maybe that's what blogging is all about...I don't know my feet are still wet.

Since I did write about this blog, let me tell you why I did so and why I was interested in doing so. The motivation behind this as I stated before is to make sure that I follow my professor's instructions but I did have a little freedom in picking the 3 blogs that I like the most, and I stated the reasons of picking those in my Web-Based Writing post. Feel free to read that blog for the reasons of why I picked those 3. There were many interesting blogs to choose from but for personal reasons I chose the 3 that I can relate to the most. I would encourage you as the reader to visit the same site that I found these blogs from because there is something for everyone on this list. You might find your next favorite blog site. I listed the URL in my previous blog but for the sake of simplicity, here it is again...

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